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Soulful Salutations! ETTA JAMES Classic Soul 1974 Interview

2022-02-14T16:04:15-05:00February 7, 2022|Categories: Classic Soul Interviews|Tags: , , , , |

In memory and soulful celebration of the January 25th birthday of the late Etta James (1938-2012), a true musical pioneer, we revisit this interview conducted by Blues & Soul magazine founder, John Abbey in 1974 when the iconic singer was re-emerging into public prominence. We've added a video of an amazing 1975 performance of Etta singing her classic "I'd Rather Go Blind"...

Soulful Salutations! ANITA BAKER Classic Soul 1987 Interview

2022-02-14T16:00:45-05:00February 7, 2022|Categories: Classic Soul Interviews|Tags: , , |

With soulful salutations to the iconic Anita Baker for her January 26th birthday, David Nathan recalls his second interview with the distinctive singer/songwriter some months after meeting her in the spring of 1986 when the future classic, "Rapture" was about to hit the airwaves as she reflects on the incredible nine months of activity that followed...

Soulful Salutations! JODY WATLEY Feature & 2009 Audio Interview

2022-02-14T15:58:14-05:00February 7, 2022|Categories: Classic Soul Interviews|Tags: , , |

Honouring Jody Watley in celebration of her January 30th birthday, we revisit a 2009 audio interview conducted by SoulMusic.com founder David Nathan, who first interviewed Jody as part of the group Shalamar along with a feature David wrote on Jody at the time...

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